
Gaddafi land, air offensive repelled

LBYan rebels repulsed aVersace Jeans land and air offensiveBY Muammar Gaddafiif they intervened.
The U.S. government is already cautious about the prospect of imposing a over LBYa, stressing the diplomatic and military risks involved, but has nevertheless moved two amphibious assault ships into the Mediterranean.
Rebels in their eastern bastion of Benghazi have called for UN-backed air strikes to halt attacksBY African mercenaries they Robin Jeanssaid Gaddafi is using against his own people.
GovernmentRobin Men troops, backedBY air power, launched a dawn attack on Wednesday and briefly captured Brega, an oil export terminal 800 km east of Tripoli.
But opposition forces counter-attacked and took back the town they held for about a week, rebel officers said they were ready to move west toward the capital if Gaddafi refuses to quit.
However, at a gathering which was televisedRobin Women live, Gaddafi, who ruled LBYa for 41 years, said: he said, referring to his system of launched at a meeting attendedBY visiting Cuban leader Fidel Castro in 1977&.

